Where the light shines

Teach me the unforced rhythms of grace.

Tag: grace

beauty from ashes–joy from my mourning–praise for a spirit of heaviness

Sorry about being so “MIA” as they say, as I feel like I’m strangers with the previous posts I’ve written, because these days, life seems quite the contrary. There’s just something about getting words written out, especially when you know that someone out there would spend a few minutes of their life reading about someone else’s day, you know? I also love to journal, but I guess that’s the reason why I decided to write a new post on here instead…
I am at a library at a university, because I feel like I can actually focus here. It’s like where I can actually get things done as opposed to my living corridors (I just wanted to use that word). This library and all the university atmosphere (students playing games in the school cafe, walking around in their sports attire, and I could ramble on and on) but my point is that I’m so nostalgic to those few years I went to a “real” university… Why is it that there is always this longing for the past? The things that I cannot have? I know that there’s a purpose to the season I’m in, and that life isn’t about what I want, because in the end, did I really want that?
There are so many things I know in my head that have still not been understood in my heart because I have not walked those out yet… There’s a constant tug of war going on in my mind; it’s so true that our mind is a battlefield, because when victory is won in there, then it’s most likely going to be walked out.
Sin is a terrible thing. At the moment sin seems so gentle, harmless, something that will ease the pain of the moment, but all of that = deception. Yet, knowing this, why do I still do what I don’t want to do and not do what I should do? Selfishness. Just like the tug of war in my mind, it’s this ongoing self vs. selfless battle which every decision rests upon it seems like. When just for a moment I take God out of the picture and place myself on the throne, I make the most foolish decisions that cause me to spiral down the path that I never wanted to take, which is probably why God wanted His rightful place, at the center, Him on the throne in our lives… He doesn’t rule like a dictator who only cares about Himself, but He desires to be there because He doesn’t want us to get hurt, and in turn hurt the people around us.
I understand why God kept saying “remember,” “do this in remembrance,” “don’t forget”… because I forget so easily and so often! One would think I’d learned my lessons by now, especially because of the kind of circumstances I’m in and what I have experienced, but I am realizing that I cannot place my trust in anything, or anyone, even my expected or present “maturity” because I am still the child that needs the discipline of a loving Father.

Deep, deep down in my heart I know that I love Him. Yes, that love may be weak, and immature, perhaps a broken seed. Every time I do something that I know will hurt Him, I tell myself, “how can you do that and say that you love?” Since love isn’t just feelings, passing emotions and highs, words and show. Perhaps I’m still hanging onto the hope that God will do something with that broken seed, that He is bigger than my failures and inadequacies and can produce something I would have never imagined, not because I deserve it, but because He is gracious and because He is God.

I just wanted to write this post because every time I’m not in sync with God, everything in my life malfunctions. Yes, it still goes on, like I go to work (though I confess I’ve missed so many classes this week–some of them valid reasons, some not) and everything else that life entails, but it’s just not the same. Joy is depleted and peace is replaced by a sorrow and dampness that I know is not from God. I understand why there are so many that are depressed, lonely, and seeking for love in this world. Without Him, it’s so easy to let other things and people take the place only God can have and then end up even more hurt and lonely than comforted and loved. It’s so true that we were made to love and to be loved. First loved by God, then loving Him and those He has placed amidst our lives. I find that without God’s love, it’s so darn hard to love others. Even if I cannot love myself I cannot love others.

I guess there was a reason why God said that I am to deny myself. It’s not to deprive me of the so called good things of this world, but because in dying to myself I find myself. Not new news, right? Well, maybe to some.. But just saying this mainly to remind myself the significance of living with gentleness in spirit, having a calm temperament so that I can think clearly, and not to live in the extreme zones but to daily do well in what has been apportioned for me. This is definitely easier said than done. Especially because I tend to be that kind of passionate person who tends to linger in the extremes and sometimes way too emotional for my good. I know that I can’t do this on my own strength, but perhaps this post was to remind me to return to, repent, and acknowledge again my need for a Father who mends, heals, restores, and is the one who can produce a beautiful oak tree even from a shriveled up seed so that birds can perch on it and people can rest in its shade and eat of its fruit.

“…and provide for those who grieve in Zion–to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”

(Isaiah 61:3)

Wow! So as I looked up this verse and was writing it out, I realized that Isaiah had also used the image of an “oak” tree in this passage! I didn’t even know as I used the same imagery in my post.. so interesting how things like that happen. (:

blessings that lead to brokenness

God is so good.
Even in the midst of doubt He answers my prayer.
I’m not stating that as a principle or anything. Just experience.
Ya, He didn’t have to, and maybe when we are strong, and in faith, He answers because He is faithful to His Word, answering our prayers of faith and persistence.
He can do whatever He wants.
Yet, He answered.. when I was weakdoubtfullacking trust and trying to do things on my own, losing sleep over it, manifesting again in the form of stress acne, etc..
I wasn’t expecting to be prayed over, just to pray for a good friend of mine, yet she ended up praying for me (during a youth conference where thousands of youth came from all over the U.S. & even the world like Australia..), and telling me that God hears and will work through prayer & fasting, through intercession (praying for others).
This was the same day after He had answered a distressing situation of mine.
Ever have those times when things work out so smoothly, when it seems like it’s favor working on your behalf.. God??
I know that it’s so important to keep a healthy fear of the Lord,
where we understand His majesty & grandeur (after all He did create the world and everything in it), His holiness, how He is both a God of mercy but also one of justice.

But He always catches me off guard when He is so kind to me. Even when I don’t deserve a single ounce of it.

Or do you think lightly of the rices of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?                                              Romans 2:4 (italics mine)

I remember a saying: “There’s nothing that draws you more to God than when He blesses you when you don’t deserve it.”
Please don’t hear what I didn’t say. In times of lack, trouble, and all the shapes and sizes of problems that are thrown at us in this thing called life, most of us are more prone to lean on God during these times. Because we realize how much we need help, some kind of intervention, some kind of miracle. And He is most close to us in our times of brokenness.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.                                                                   Psalm 51:17

I think blessings have the power to break us in one of either two different directions.
Either towards Him or further from Him.
But I’m here to testify that whenever He blesses me, especially when I least deserve it, it breaks me towards Him. His kindness, His love, truly turns me towards His heart.
I don’t deserve it. But He freely gave.
He did this when He freely gave up His life on the Cross to save ours…when He didn’t have to, and when we didn’t deserve it.
He is so gracious. I am so grateful.

My chains are gone.
I’ve been set free.
My God, my Savior, has ransomed me.
And like a flood, His mercy reigns.
Unending love,
Amazing Grace.
                     Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone by Chris Tomlin